About my Pilates classes

About my Pilates classes

I have been teaching Pilates in Oxford since 2008, first in a hospital setting with Nuffield Health at the Manor Hospital Oxford, for patients suffering with back pain or recovering from spinal surgery. I later set up back classes for patients with persistent back pain within the NHS. At the same time, I started my own physiotherapy clinic and Pilates studio, 'Oxford Sports Physio & Pilates' within Oxford University. I worked for many years with athletes, mostly rowers, triathletes and runners, as well as general musculoskeletal injuries in everyday life. I initially became fully certified with the Australian Physiotherapy and Pilates Institute (APPI) and went on to do courses with DMA Clinical Pilates.

In 2019 I moved from Oxford to Cornwall, and during the pandemic I launched my online Pilates membership.

A story I hear from patients repeatedly is that with the restrictions imposed on our lifestyles by the pandemic, being more sedentary and home working have led to an increase in back and neck pain. In an effort to tackle this, I started offering a new series of shorter more manageable half-hour 'Move' classes, designed to help tackle posture related spinal pain with a combination of Pilates incorporating some Yoga poses focusing on neck, shoulder, back and hip mobility through both tension relieving and strengthening exercises. I believe that little and often is key, and hope that this will allow you to do some Pilates more regularly, even daily. So please, find time to down-tools from your desk and do one of these shorter sessions to break up your working day.

I also offer some more advanced Pilates classes for runners using weights, focusing on key areas for injury prevention. Strength training is important not just for runners; as we get older strength training plays a huge part in looking after our bone health and maintaining muscle mass.

On Wednesdays, I teach a more gentle class for back pain. This is an opportunity for everyone to focus a little bit more on the basics. Never underestimate the 'easy' sessions!

When you subscribe, you will have access to all live classes and recordings, including a recorded 8-week beginner's course. My classes are suitable for almost anyone, and exercises can be modified to make allow you to work at your own level.

The timelapse videos will give you some idea of what I do; one is from one of my 'Move' classes, the other is a glimpse into my life working from home during lockdown. I promise it's usually a lot slower, calm and not chaotic, but the dogs and kids do make an occasional guest appearance!

The live zoom class timetable is below:

Mondays 7.45am: one hour intermediate
Mondays 8pm: 40 minute runners' strength (advanced)
Tuesdays 7.45am: half hour Move class (intermediate)
Wednesdays 7.45am: half hour Pilates for back pain (gentle)
Friday 7.45am: half hour Move class (intermediate)

£36 / month: For access to all recordings and to attend one live zoom class per week.
£45 / month: For access to all recordings and UNLIMITED live zoom classes each week.
Please note that I have stopped taking card payments via the website and payment is by regular standing order, which can be cancelled any time. Please email me for a 1 week free trial and for bank details and to set up your membership.

Please note that there are no live zoom classes on UK bank holidays, or when I am on holiday (which is not very often!).

Also included in this membership for anyone local, is one face to face half-hour Pilates for Runners class on Fridays at 9.10am (term time only) in St Agnes, Cornwall. You can find more details and please book your place (no additional payment required) here: https://groups.runtogether.co.uk/BeaconBurners/Runs . Non-runners are welcome to join.

WHAT TO BRING: You'll need a mat and a small towel to use as a head support. We have also been using a variety of optional home Pilates kit including the Pilates ball or foam roller, resistance band, and small weights. You can improvise with a hot water bottle (filled with cold water) instead of a ball, a rolled-up bath towel, a pair of tights instead of a resistance band, tin cans as weights, and most exercises can be adapted to do with no equipment at all.

Pilates Terms and Conditions:

By participating in the live online classes or recorded videos you acknowledge your acceptance of the following terms and conditions:
Participants should be over the age of 18 and living in the UK only. Online Pilates classes and recordings are for people who are fit and injury-free. For anyone with an injury, we recommend an individual consultation with your physiotherapist or Pilates teacher prior to attempting them to make sure that Pilates is suitable for you. It is important that if you have any underlying health conditions that you consult with your doctor before taking up a new exercise regime. Our online classes are not for pregnancy or osteoporosis which would require individual modifications. None of the exercises should cause any pain and you should stop the session if you have any pain, feeling of excessive fatigue or strain. I will offer a variety of levels and depending on your individual strength and fitness, recommend that you start with the recorded beginners course and progress to a level that you feel comfortable doing. Live classes are recorded 'speaker view' and later uploaded to the website, ensuring that no participants appear in the recording.

For updates about Pilates, Physiotherapy, Run Groups or more, please sign up for my newsletter: http://eepurl.com/iylRgE

Stay safe and keep moving!

Anna Jenkins
Chartered Physiotherapist

© 2024 AJ Sports Physio & Pilates Ltd, Company no. 09523008. Built by Vimeo OTT

About my Pilates classes
  • Timelapse live zoom pick and mix home equipment

    We have been using a variety of optional home Pilates kit including the Pilates ball or foam roller, resistance band, and small weights. You can improvise with a hot water bottle (filled with cold water) instead of a ball, a rolled-up bath towel, a pair of tights instead of a resistance band, tin...
